Most of all applicants are preparing for the AIAPGET Homeopathy can check the AIAPGET Old Papers from our website. Here, we had come up with the AIAPGET Homeopathy Old Papers PDFs. Download the All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test Previous Papers from the direct links provided below. You may also check on the Official Website for more AIAPGET Ayurveda Old Practice Papers. We are providing these Papers just as a reference for the exam preparation.
Free downloading links of the AIAPGET Previous Years Papers are provided. Click on the enclosed links to get the All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test Homeopath Old Papers PDF. We are providing the AIAPGET Homeopathy Practice Papers just as a reference for the exam preparation. Finally, download the All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test Ayurveda Previous Papers and use them as a reference for the scheduled preparation.
AIAPGET Previous Year Question
1. Following observations were made during examination of a newborn child. On the basis of given observations, ascertain the APGAR score (1) Newborn makes grimaces on stimulation of sole of the Foot. (2) Respiration slow & irregular (3) Heart rate – 90/min (4) There was some flexion of the limbs (5) Color of the body was pink
1) 5
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
2. A middle aged female presented with following symptoms - Hirsutism, fragility of skin, with easy bruising, broad purplish striae and signs of proximal myopathy. The first step in confirming the diagnosis will be
1) Advice 24 hours urinary free cortisol excretion
2) Exclude exogenous Glucocorticoid use
3) Advice plasma ACTH estimation
4) Advice dexamethasone overnight test
3. Pretibial myxedema is a feature of
1) Diabetes mellitus
2) Hypothyroidism
3) Grave's Disease
4) Malignancy
4. Which of the following statement(s) about epileptic seizure is/are correct? (1)“Jacksonian march” represents spread of seizure activity over motor cortex (2) Focal seizures of temporal cortex cause psychic symptoms (3) Typical absence seizures are followed by post ictal confusion (4) Epilepsia partialis continua may continue for hours or days
1) 1, 2 and 4
2) 3 and 4
3) 1 and 4
4) 2, 3 and 4
5. Myasthenia Gravis is characterized by
1) Decrease in acetylcholine reserve in motor nerve terminal
2) Decrease in dopamine reserve in motor nerve terminal
3) Decrease in receptors for acetylcholine
4) Decrease in dopamine receptors
6. How many medicines were added by Dr. T.F Allen in the section of Relationship of Remedies of Therapeutic Pocket Book?
1) 20
2) 21
3) 148
4) 220
7. The first edition of the Homeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea by J.B Bell was published in Year
1) 1869
2) 1879
3) 1881
4) 1882
8. Which of following statement is not correct for rubric ‘Pulse’?
1) In Kent's Repertory, Pulse is given in Generalities
2) In BBCR, Pulse is given in Circulation
3) In TPB, Pulse is given in Sensation
4) In Knerr's Repertory, Pulse is given as separate chapter
9. Which of following statement is not Correct?
1) Gentry repertory has 420 medicines
2) In Knerr's Repertory, Sensorium chapter is given
3) Boericke repertory has 2 gradation
4) Emergency conditions chapter is given in Knerr's Repertory
10. Who introduced gradation of remedies in Repertory?
1) Dr. Cipher
2) Dr. Boenninghausen
3) Dr. Jahr
4) Dr. Lippe
11. ‘Abscess in perineum’ is given in which chapter of Kent's Repertory?
1) Genitalia
2) Skin
3) Generalities
4) Rectum
12. Which of the following chapter of Kent's Repertory did not show the alphabetic arrangement of rubrics?
1) Cough
2) Hearing
3) Prostate
4) Vision
13. In which of the following chapter of Kent's Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, you will NOT find the rubric ‘Aphthae’?
1) Face
2) Mouth
3) Genitalia - Female
4) Generalities
14. Which of following statement is incorrect according to BBCR Repertory?
1) Radiating pain is given under Sensation & Complaints in General
2) Typhoid fever is given under Fever - Pathological types
3) Pregnancy is given under Sexual Impulse
4) Tetters is given in Skin & Exterior body
15. Rubric for 'Abortion' is given in which of following chapter of Therapeutic Pocket Book?
1) Sexual organ
2) Leucorrhoea
3) Menstruation
4) Sensation
16. In which of following Dr. Boenninghausen’s repertory, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has given introduction on the Repetition of Homoeopathic medicines?
1) A Cure of cholera & its preventatives
2) A Systematic alphabetic Repertory of Homoeopathic Remedies
3) Attempt at Homoeopathic Therapy of Intermittent fever
4) Attempt at showing Relative kinship of Homeopathic medicines
17. Which of the following is characteristic feature of Le Fort II fracture?
1) The fracture line runs through the root of the nose, lacrimal bone, floor of orbit, upper part of maxillary sinus and pterygoid plates
2) The fracture line runs above and parallel to the palate and crosses lower part of nasal septum, maxillary antra and the pterygoid plates
3) Complete separation of the facial bones from the cranial bones
4) Isolated fracture of orbital floor
18. Kehr’s sign is a classical feature of
1) Rupture of liver
2) Acute pancreatitis
3) Acute intestinal obstruction
4) Rupture of spleen
19. Which of the following medical sign is observed in Latent Tetany?
1) Trousseau’s sign
2) Pratt’s sign
3) Blumberg’s sign
4) Fox’s sign
20. Among the following which is not the feature of Paget’s disease of Breast?
1) Itching
2) Unilateral presentation
3) Nipples usually destroyed
4) Underlying lump is usually present
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