Many candidates are applying for the All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test Homeopathy Jobs. Interested aspirants of Central Government Jobs can apply Online for these Jobs before due date. Please check the AIAPGET Siddha Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern to get an idea about the test pattern. Then, you can plan the time management and prepare with the help of All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test Sample Papers.
You can download the AIAPGET Homeopathy Sample Papers from below direct attachments of Pdf. Click on the link of All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test Previous Papers to get them for free. So, go through the link to check the syllabus and AIAPGET Previous Papers for scoring maximum marks.
AIAPGET Solved Sample Question for PG Entrance
1. According to Hahnemann, which scale of potency is capable of producing medicines of highest development of power and mildest action
1) Straight Potency
2) Jumping Potency
3) Decimal Stale of Potency
4) Fifty Millesimal Scale of Potency
2. “Coldness with aversion to being covered” is an example of
1) Mental General
2) Kent’s Particular Symptom
3) Garthe Boericke's Basic Symptom
4) Negative General Symptom
3. “Sudden Fainting from least smell of cooking oil “ is an example of
1) Local Disease
2) Intermittent Disease
3) Surrogates
4) Idiosyncrasy
4. Which of the following article of Hahnemann is considered as precursor of ORGANON?
1) The Friends of Health
2) The Medicine of Experience
3) The Medical Observer
4) Cure and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera
5. H.A. Robert’s concept of “DEFLECTED CURRENT" Signifies
1) Electrocution
2) Magnetism
3) Obstacle to Cure
4) Galvanism
6. Hahnemann conceived idea of Cinchona bark experiment during the translation of
1) Monroe’s “Materia Medica”
2) Cullen’s “Treatise on Materia Medica”
3) Lewin’s “Secondary Effects of Remedies”
4) Herings “Guiding Symptoms of Materia Medica"
7. Match the following
i) Brosseau a) Human Drug Proving
ii) Albrecht b) Contraria Contraris
iii) Galen c) Bloodletting
1) i-a, ii-b, iii-c
2) i-b, ii-c, iii-a
3) i-c, ii-a, iii-b
4) i-a, ii-c, iii-b
8. The method used for preparing tincture from the mucilaginous and gummy substances from vegetable or animal kingdom is
1) Distillation
2) Sublimation
3) Maceration
4) Crystallisation
9. Who introduced the Decimal Scale of potency?
1) Dr S. Hahnemann
2) Dr C. Hering
3) Dr H.A. Robert
4) Dr J.T. Kent
10. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Sugar of milk?
1) It is odourless
2) It is milky white
3) It is soluble in alcohol
4) It is an important solid vehicle
11. Cones are prepared from
1) Milk Sugar
2) Mixture of Glucose and distilled water
3) Mixture of Cane Sugar and Egg albumin
4) Dextrose
12. Which part of the plant of Cinchona officinalis is used for its preparation?
1) Bark
2) Stem with leaves
3) Roots
4) Whole plant
13. The principal site of peripheral resistance in circulation is
1) Large arteries
2) Arterioles
3) Capillaries
4) Veins
14. The rise in basal body temperature at the time of ovulation is because of
1) Decreased estrogen
2) Increased Progesterone
3) Decreased Leutinizing hormone
4) Increased Follicular Stimulating hormone
15. An 11 year old girl presents with the following complaints (1) Difficulty in climbing upstairs and combing her hair (2) Maculopapular rash over MCP joints (3) Gower's sign Positive. The most appropriate investigation to be advised is
1) ESR
2) Creatine Kinase
3) RA Factor
4) ANA antibodies test
16. All are features of scurvy except
1) Bitot's spots
2) Sub periosteal bleeding
3) Follicular hyperkeratosis
4) Cork screw hair
17. DIC can occur in all of the following except
1) Placenta Praevia
2) Haemophilia
3) Falciparum Malaria
4) Snake Bite
18. The liver enzyme which is sensitive indicator of liver cell injury and is most helpful in recognizing acute hepatocellular diseases is
1) Alkaline Phosphatase
2) Aspartate aminotransferase
3) Gamma glutamyl Transpeptidase
4) Creatine Phosphokinase
19. Which of these conditions will be associated with steatorrhea?
1) Primary lactase deficiency
2) Pernicious anemia
3) Ulcerative colitis
4) Chronic Pancreatitis
20. The Spirometry finding found during episodes of Bronchial Asthma is
1) Marked reduction in FVC
2) Normal or increased FEV1/FVC ratio
3) Marked reduction in FEV1
4) Increased peak expiratory Flow
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