Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Multiple Choice Questions

Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Multiple Choice Questions
The Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Multiple Choice Questions is helpful for the applicants in their preparation. Referring to the old exam paper/model paper helps the candidates in knowing how the question paper is going to be. However, here is an overview of question pattern. Download the Previous Year Question Paper Pdf given in the section below. This gives a clear idea of subjects you are preparing.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing MCQ Question

1. Sudden attacks of generalized muscle weakness, leading to physical collapse while alert is termed as
(a) Cataplexy
(b) Klein-Levin syndrome
(c) Narcolepsy
(d) Nocturnal myoclonus

2. The mentally disturbed client stated “Tired, mired, schmired, wired” during an interview. This type of verbal expression is suggestive of________
(a) Blocking
(b) Clang association
(c) Flight of ideas
(d) Loosening of associations

3. What etiological implication reflects social learning theory?
(a) Modeling and identification can be observed from early childhood in individuals exhibiting substance abuse behaviors
(b) An individual is encouraged to continue substance abuse because of the pleasure experienced during use
(c) A son of an alcoholic father has a four times greater incidence of developing alcoholism
(d) Identical twins have twice the rate for concordance of alcoholism compared with fraternal twins

4. On an in-patient psychiatric unit, a nurse is completing a risk assessment on a newly admitted client with increased levels of anxiety. The nurse would document which cognitive symptom expressed by the client?
(a) Gritting of the teeth
(b) Changes in tone of voice
(c) Increased energy
(d) Misperceptions of stimuli

5. A client diagnosed with bipolar II disorder is experiencing hypomania. The client is not hostile, but is talking nonstop and disrupting an educational session. The client is forcibly taken to the client’s room and placed in four-point restraints. Which legal issue applicable in this scenario?
(a) Libel
(b) Felony
(c) False Imprisonment
(d) Battery

6. Among the following, which one “Aspect” mentioned in Mental Health Care Bill 2016, that was not listed in earlier mental health acts in India?
(a) Right to fair treatment
(b) Right to communicate
(c) Advance directives
(d) Discharge of Patients

7. Among the following, which model states that past childhood emotional unresolved conflicts are the reason for current mental illness?
(a) Behavioral Model
(b) Psychoanalytical Model
(c) Roy adaptation model
(d) Existential model

8. “The patient is encouraged to accept self and to assume to control his own”. This type of approach based on _____________model.
(a) Social Model
(b) Behavioral Model
(c) Psycho analytical Model
(d) Existential Model

9. ”Dream analysis” is a therapeutic approach based on ________
(a) Interpersonal Model
(b) Communication Model
(c) Psycho analytical Model
(d) Existential Model

10. Hildegard Peplau’s interpersonal model describes ______
(a) Orientation, exploitation, resolution, evaluation
(b) Identification, exploitation, resolution, evaluation
(c) Introduction, Identification, exploitation, resolution
(d) Orientation, identification, exploitation, resolution

11. A client is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. In which cluster would this personality disorder be categorized, and on which axis of the DSM-IV-TR multiaxial evaluation system would the nurse expect to find this documentation?
(a) Cluster C, axis I
(b) Cluster B, axis II
(c) Cluster C, axis II
(d) Cluster B, axis I

12. ”Concious,subconscious and unconscious” these 3 terms are articulated in _____
(a) Behavioral Model
(b) Psychoanalytical Model
(c) Roy adaptation Model
(d) Existential Model

13. As per Mental Health care bill 2016, All the mentally ill patients have following rights, EXCEPT
(a) Right to community living
(b) Right to access medical records
(c) Right to information
(d) Right to compulsory tonsuring

14. According to ICD 10 ,code F 00-F 09 refers to ______
(a) Organic disorders
(b) Psychoactive substance abuse related behavioral disorders
(c) Schizophrenia
(d) Mood disorders

15. The limbic system which is responsible for emotion and memory all EXCEPT___
(a) Pons
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Amygdala
(d) Hippocampus

16. Which of the following is not considered a mature defense mechanism?
(a) Suppression
(b) Somatization
(c) Asceticism
(d) Altruism

17. Which situation reflects the defense mechanism of projection?
(a) husband has an affair, then buys his wife a diamond anniversary bracelet
(b) A promiscuous wife accuses her husband of having an affair
(c) A wife, failing to become pregnant, works hard at becoming teacher of the year
(d) A man who was sexually assaulted as a child remembers nothing of the event

18. Which is an example of a behavioral response to a moderate level of anxiety?
(a) Narrowing perception
(b) Heart palpitations
(c) Limited attention span
(d) Restlessness

19. At an out-patient obstetrical clinic, a pregnant client on welfare exhibits extreme anxiety when discussing a failure in school. This is an example of which type of crisis?
(a) Crisis of anticipated life transition
(b) Dispositional crisis
(c) Maturational/developmental crisis
(d) Crisis reflecting psychopathology

20. A 17-year-old client whose boyfriend has recently broken their engagement is brought into the emergency department after taking a handful of lorazepam (Ativan). Which nursing intervention would take priority during this psychiatric crisis?
(a) Discuss the client’s feelings about the breakup with her boyfriend
(b) Monitor vital signs and note any signs of central nervous system depression
(c) Allow the client time to rest because lorazepam (Ativan) is sedating
(d) Decrease fluids, and place the client on close observation

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