Mental Health Nursing Asked Question Papers Download Free

Mental Health Nursing Asked Question
The Mental Health Nursing Asked Question Papers is helpful for the applicants in their preparation. Referring to the old exam paper/model paper helps the candidates in knowing how the question paper is going to be. However, here is an overview of question pattern. Download the Previous Year Question Paper Pdf given in the section below. This gives a clear idea of subjects you are preparing.

Mental Health Nursing MCQs

1. Among the following, which one manifestation suggestive of client is developing lithium toxicity?
(a) Thyrotoxicosis
(b) Vomiting
(c) Hypoglycemia
(d) Weight loss

2. Among the following, which one atypical antipsychotic agent likely to cause extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) when administered in higher doses?
(a) Trifluoperazine
(b) Clozapine
(c) Respiridone
(d) Chlorpromazine

3. The facility that provides the orphan child to have a family like environment to strengthen physical and mental health is called as ______
(a) Halfway home
(b) Facility that provide Family therapy
(c) Facility that provide Milieu therapy
(d) Foster home

4. All the strategies are used in cognitive restructuring , EXCEPT
(a) Shaping
(b) Decatastrophizing
(c) Reframing
(d) Thought stopping

5. A client tells the nurse that his body is made of wood and is quite heavy. The nurse interprets this as which of the following?
(a) Compulsion
(b) Hallucination
(c) Depersonalization
(d) Obsession

6. The therapy that based on Communication and interpersonal relations in treating the mental illness is
(a) Millieu therapy
(b) Psychotherapy
(c) Occupational therapy
(d) Attitude therapy

7. Therapeutic milieu the term first coined by ______
(a) Freud
(b) Sullivan
(c) Bettleheim
(d) Menninger

8. Pseudologia fantastica is typically seen in ____
(a) Azheimer’s disease
(b) Cotard’s syndrome
(c) Ekbom’s syndrome
(d) Munchausen’s syndrome

9. Which is a myth regarding psychotherapy?
(a) Psychotherapy provides a complete transformation of the psyche
(b) Chances for improvement are good with phobias,some sexual problems
(c) Psychotherapy does not bring about dramatic changes in behavior
(d) Psychotherapy’s major benefit is that it provides the person comfort and support

10. Desensitization is primarily used to___
(a) alleviate phobias and anxieties
(b) overcome destructive habits
(c) symbolically reward positive behavior
(d) decrease free-floating anxiety

11. Free association is a basic technique in___
(a) Psychoanalysis
(b) action therapy
(c) logotherapy
(d) directive therapy

12. Tardive dyskinesia is a neurological disorder that may be caused by
(a) Anti parkinsons
(b) Anti psychotics
(c) Stimulants
(d) Cholinergics

13. Disulfiram therapy for alcoholics is based on _____
(a) Cognitive therapy
(b) Assertiveness training
(c) Token economy
(d) Aversion therapy

14. Reiki therapy is ______
(a) Body and mind technique
(b) Transfer of energy sources
(c) Electrical stimulation
(d) Progressive muscle relaxation

15. Oculogyric crisis refers to _____
(a) Drooping of an eye lid
(b) Loss of vision
(c) Fixed positioning of eye in upward gaze
(d) Pupil failure to respond to light

16. Naloxone thepapy is prescribed for ___
(a) Opioid overdose
(b) Alcohol overdose
(c) Cocaine overdose
(d) Benzodiazhpines overdose

17. The clouded state of consciousness is referred as ___
(a) Dementia
(b) Coma
(c) Stupor
(d) Delirium

18. Confabulation means___
(a) Filling of memory gaps
(b) Repetition of acts
(c) Repetition of thoughts
(d) Filling of truth in place of false statement

19. In Ayurveda, schizophrenia is known as ____
(a) mano avasad
(b) Unmada
(c) Rakta Gata Vata
(d) Prameha

20. Meaningful interpretation of stimuli is called as____
(a) Sensation
(b) Illusion
(c) Perception
(d) Intelligence

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