The applied candidates who are getting prepared for the Homeopathy Medical Officer can view this page for the Homeopathy Medical Officer Sample Question Paper & Last Ten Years Papers. Download the PG Entrance Homeopathy Medical Officer Sample Papers & Solutions & make it as a reference for your exam preparation. Take advantage of these MD Homeopathy Medical Officer Previous Year Exam Papers in a proper manner to get qualifying Marks.
The preparing candidates can get the MD Homeopathy Medical Officer Exam Cutoff marks easily by preparing with the help of MPPSC Previous Papers. Here from below enclosed links, you can get the CGPSC Homeopathy Medical Officer Download links. Aspirants can do use these sample papers and practice before taking the examination. So, practice these UPSC Homeopathy Medical Officer Model Papers in Hindi PDF as much as possible because this may help in time management skills.
Homeopathy Medical Officer Question Answer
1) Which of the following is NOT an urine ketone bodyA) Acetone
B) Beta Hydroxy Butyric acid
C) Acetoacetate
D) Pyruvate
2) GOD/POD method is used for the laboratory estimation of
A) Serum protein
B) Blood Glucose
C) Urine Ketone bodies
D) Blood Urea
3) Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CBNAAT) is commonly used in India for the diagnosis of
A) Leprosy
B) Dengue fever
C) Tuberculosis
D) Malaria
5) Maurer’s spots are found in the peripheral smear with infestation of
A) P. vivax
B) P. falciparum
C) P. ovale
D) P. malariae
6) Schistocytes are commonly found in the peripheral blood film picture of
A) Iron deficiency anaemia
B) Thalassemia
C) Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
D) Sideroblastic anaemia
7) Single most important step to prevent hospital acquired infections is
A) Antibiotic stewardship
B) Use of bleaching solution for cleaning
C) Hand hygiene
D) HAI surveillance
8) Prions are
A) DNA Viruses
B) Proteinaceous Infectious particles
C) Protozoan parasites
D) Fungus
9) Venkataraman – Ramakrishnan medium is a transport medium used for
A) V.cholerae
B) C. tetani
C) B.anthracis
D) M. tuberculosis
10) Which among the following is NOT an acid fast organism
A) M. tuberculosis
B) Nocardia
C) Legionella
D) C. diphtheriae
11) Aggravation about neck area from contact of clothing is a symptom present in all EXCEPT
A) Glonoine
B) Lachesis
C) Sepia
D) Natrum muriaticum
12) In delirium, Hyocyamus occupies a place midway between
A) Belladonna and Stramonium
B) Helleborus and Stramonium
C) Belladonna and Veratrum album
D) Veratrum album and Helleborus
13) The following symptom ‘Always feel better in open air and slowly walking’ is about which one of the following ?
A) Dulcamara
B) Rhus Toxicodendron
C) Ferrum Met
D) China off
14) Which of the following is NOT involved in Polymyositis?
A) Ocular muscle
B) Diaphragm
C) Intercostal muscles
D) Shoulder girdle muscles
15) To cure the burning pain and intolerable urging to urinate, what is the drug?
A) Merccor
B) Apismel
C) Cantharis
D) Colchicum
16) Boenningahusen has given prime importance to
A) Concomitants and complete symptoms
B) Mental general symptoms
C) General modalities and causative factors
D) Time factors
17) Nodular swellings in joints is the symptom of
A) Lithium carb
B) Bryonia
C) Conium
D) Alliumcepa
18) In ‘DUB’, bleeding is too early, too profuse; partly fluid and partly clotted with labour like pain indicate
A) Ipecac
B) Sabina
C) Phos
D) Sepia
19) Atrophic rhinitis is the main symptom in
A) Lemna minor
B) Ledum
C) Mersol
D) Kali carb
20) Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum Positivis was written in which year
A) 1800
B) 1805
C) 1830
D) 1845
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