However, the candidates who are looking for Homeopathy Medical Officer Model Question Paper can find here. The UPSC Board is going to conduct the Online Test for applicants. Hence, here is the direct link for MPPSC Homeopathy Medical Officer Model Question Paper. Here we Provide you direct link for CGPSC Homeopathy Medical Officer Question Paper with Answers Pdf for free of cost. Aspirants who applied for Kerala PSC Homeopathy Medical Officer notification can find the model paper pdf below.
As the previous papers help the applicants in the preparation, we have given the free pdf to help the job seekers. Hence, download the pdf and start your preparation today. UPSC Homeopathy Medical Officer Previous Papers are available here to download for free. Therefore, the candidates who are preparing for CGPSC Homeopathy Medical Officer can get Kerala PSC Homeopathy Medical Officer Old Papers from the below links.
The candidates who had applied for MD Homeopathy Medical Officer Exam are in search of the MRB Homeopathy Medical Officer Previous papers Solved Question Papers. For the sake of those aspirants, we have updated the MD Homeopathy Medical Officer Sample Papers on our website for free of cost.
Homeopathy Medical Officer Question Papers
1) “Rheumatism alternates with gastric symptoms one appearing in the fall and another in the spring” is one of the characteristic symptom of:A) Kali bich
B) Lycopodium
C) Nux vom
D) Ignatia
2) Which drug is known as Dog’s mercury?
A) Mercurialis perennis
B) Mephitis
C) Melilotus
D) Menyanthes
3) “The borders of the eyelids are painful on moving as if they were dry, and rubbed upon the eyeballs”, is a symptom of:
A) Aconite
B) Arsenicalb
C) Bellisp
D) Murex
4) The quality of ‘being pre-eminently trustworthy and conscientious’ of the Homeopathic drug prover is explained in which edition of Organon of Medicine
A) Second
B) Third
C) Fifth
D) Sixth
5) In the preface to the fifth edition of Organon, Dr Samuel Hahnemann mentions ‘Homoeopathy avoids everything in the slightest degree enfeebling’, which refers to:
A) External means of treatment
B) Idiosyncrasy
C) Homeopathic aggravation
D) Genus epidemicus
6) Degeneration of pyramidal tracts is present in which vitamin deficiency?
A) Vit C
B) Vit B12
C) Vit D
D) Vit B2
7) Broca’s aphasia results from lesion in
A) Inferior frontal gyrus
B) Superior temporal gyrus
C) Precentral gyrus
D) Post central gyrus
8) The causative agent for Infectious mononucleosis (Glandular fever) is
A) Herpes simplex virus
B) Cytomegalo virus
C) Epstein-Barr virus
D) Variola virus
9) Ravenous hunger at 11 AM is seen in
1) Sulphur
2) Zincum metallicum
3) Cuprum metallicum
4) Lycopodium
Which of the following is correct?
A) 1 only
B) 1 and 2 only
C) 1, 2 and 3 only
D) 2 and 4 only
10) In which one of the following drugs ‘Porrigo Capitis’ is a symptom?
A) Causticum
B) Calcarea muriaticum
C) Conium maculatum
D) Capsicum
11) Red currant jelly stool is associated with
A) Intussusception
B) Ca Pancreas
C) Ca colon
D) Duodenal atresia
12) Schein symptoms are caused by
A) Natural morbific agent
B) Excessive use of homeopathic medicines
C) Proving of allopathic medicines
D) From partially indicated medicines
13) Proving of narcotic medicines are mentioned in aphorism
A) 108
B) 113
C) 119
D) 128
14) Squilla is complementary to
A) Sticta
B) Dulcamara
C) Antim crud
D) Ran bulb
15) Allentown academy was established by
A) Herring
B) J T Kent
C) J H Clarke
D) C M Boger
16) Osborn waves in ECG are classically seen in
A) Hypokalaemia
B) Hypocalcemia
C) Digitalis effect
D) Hypothermia
17) Auspitz’s sign is found in
A) Kawasaki disease
B) Rheumatoid Arthritis
D) Psoriasis
18) Which among the following muscles doesn’t have a dual nerve supply?
A) Omohyoid
B) Brachialis
C) Biceps femoris
D) Pectineus
19) Functional residual capacity (FRC) of human lungs is
20) Which among the following genetic condition is related to DNA mismatch repair?
A) Turners Syndrome
B) Down’s Syndrome
C) Lynch Syndrome
D) Marfan Syndrome
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