Model Question and Answer for Staff Nurse Exam

Model Question and Answer for Staff Nurse Exam

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Objective Staff Nurse Recruitment Question with Answer

1. Which of the following is an injectable progestin?
(A) Isosuprine
(C) Implanon
(D) Norgesterol

2. Baby friendly hospital initiative was launched in the year?
(A) 1990
(B) 1992
(C) 1994
(D) 1990

3. Which of the following is water soluble vitamin?
(A) Vit A
(B) Vit C
(C) Vit D
(D) Vit E

4. Which of the following is at type of non-probability sampling?
(A) Stratified Random Sampling
(B) Simple Random Sampling
(C) Purposive Sampling
(D) Systematic Sampling

5. Which of the following indicates the flatness or peakedness of a frequency distribution?
(A) Mean
(B) Kurtosis
(C) Mode
(D) Skewness

6. The standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size is:
(A) Sampling error
(B) Mean
(C) Type I error
(D) Standard error

7. Desired quality, quantity or level of performance that is established as a criteria to measure the performance is termed as :
(A) Audit
(B) Standard
(C) Evaluation
(D) Quality assurance

8. Which among the following is not a management principle of Henri Fayol?
(A) Unity of command
(B) Stability
(C) Specialisation
(D) Division of work

9. Which among the following is the systematic arrangement of the sum total of selected experiences planned by the school or college to achieve the objectives ?
(A) Syllabus
(B) Course plan
(C) lesson plan
(D) Curriculum

10. Organised clinical instruction in the presence of the patient is termed as:
(A) Nursing care plan
(B) Bedside clinic
(C) Nursing care conference
(D) Individual conference

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