IBPS Bank Clerk Computer Question

1. Using output device one can ……………….
(1) input data

(2) store data

(3) scan data

(4) view or print data

(5) None of these
2. Why is the Caps Lock key referred to as a toggle key?
(1) Because its function goes back and forth every time it is pressed.

(2) Because it cannot be used for entering numbers

(3) Because it cannot be used to delete

(4) Because it cannot be used to insert

(5) None of these
3. Using Print Preview is useful when you want to …………..
(1) colour the document

(2) save the document

(3) delete the document

(4) copy the document

(5) view how the document will appear when printed
4. Which of the following can input graphical images and pictures for a computer?
(1) Plotter

(2) Scanner

(3) Mouse

(4) Printer

(5) Keyboard
5. When a chart is placed on this, it is much larger and there is no other data on it …………
(1) Chart sheet

(2) Exclusive sheet

(3) Primary sheet

(4) Reference sheet

(5) None of these

6. The process of trading goods over the Internet is known as ……………….
(1) e-selling-n-buying

(2) e-trading

(3) e-finance

(4) e-salesmanship

(5) e-commerce
7. Information that comes from an external source and fed into a computer software is called ……………
(1) output

(2) input

(3) throughput

(4) reports

(5) None of these
8. The main system board of a computer is called the ………………
(1) integrated circuit

(2) motherboard

(3) processor

(4) microchip

(5) None of these
9. This dialog box specifies or modifies the worksheet cell range containing data to be charted ………………
(1) chart location

(2) chart style

(3) chart options

(4) chart source data

(5) None of these
10. If you change Windows 98 to XP, you are actually performing ………..
(1) Upstart

(2) Upgrade

(3) Update

(4) Patch

(5) None of these
IBPS bank clerk computer question for preparation of IBPS CWE. All computer questions are prepared for mock test purpose cover all the syllabus as per previous pattern. These computer awareness question will help for your preparation of IBPS clerical examination.