1. Which kind of lock includes a keypad that can be used to control access into areas? (1) Cipher (2) Warded (3) Device (4) Tumbler (5) Typelock question paper of ibps it officer 2. Which data communication method is used to send data over a serial communication link layer? (1) Simplex (2) Half duplex (3) Full duplex (4) All the above (5) None of these 3. Which of the following table helps in representing the previous and next state of the sequential circuit prior to and after the clock pulse respectively? (1) Truth table (2) Characteristic table (3) Excitation table (4) All the above (5) None of these 4. The hardware in which data may be stored for a computer system is called ……….. (1) register (2) memory (3) chip (4) pheripheral (5) None of these
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