Direction (1 – 5): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions: Eight people – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line facing North not necessarily in the same order. F is sitting fifth to the right of A. D is sitting fifth to the right of E. E is to the left of D. B is third to the right of G. G is an immediate neighbor of A. 1. What is E’s position with respect to C? (1) Second to the left (2) Third to the right (3) Fourth to the right (4) Third to the left (5) None of these ibps rrb solved paper 2. Who is sitting third to the right of the one who is sitting sixth from the right end of the above arrangement? (1) D (2) C (3) E (4) H (5) None of these 3. Who amongst the following are sitting at the extreme ends of the line? (1) G and D (2) A and D (3) G and F (4) E and D (5) A and B

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