1. A presentation means …………….. (1) display of product (2) explaining the utility of products (3) a gift (4) display of communication skills (5) all the above marketing aptitude questions and answers 2. The traditional marketing style involves : (1) Telemarketing (2) Digital marketing (3) Indirect marketing (4) Direct marketing (5) All the above 3. Demand variables should be taken care of because ____________ (1) they are important (2) they are of fragile nature (3) sale of any enterprise depends on demand (4) sale of any enterprise depends on product (5) sale of any enterprise depends on Government 4. Multiple packaging is the practice of placing ………. (1) several container in one product (2) several units in one container (3) several boxes in one container (4) each unit in each container (5) None of the above 5. Modern methods of Marketing include : (1) Publicity on the net (2) Advertisement on the net (3) Soliciting business through e-mails (4) Telemarketing (5) All the above
Practice Exercise - 307 [ Marketing Aptitude ]
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