1. On what platform is multithreading supported? (1) IDL 5.5 (2) IDL 5.6 (3) On all platform (4) All the above (5) None of these it aptitude questions and answers 2. What is the term is used to describe the situation when a derived class provides a function already provided in the base class? (1) Overloading (2) Overriding (3) Polymorphism (4) Encapsulation (5) None of these 3. Banker’s algorithm is used as ……………….. (1) Deadlock occurrence method (2) Deadlock avoidance method (3) Deadlock detection method (4) Deadlock recovery method (5) None of these 4. In which of the following directories init resides in Unix? (1) root (2) bin (3) etc (4) user (5) None of these
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