P. Indian economy may be termed as ‘Mixed Economy’ in which Public and Private economies co-exist. lic agent exam model question paper Q. Thus we ensure the development of a socialistic pattern of society by mobilizing two forces simultaneously to tap the resources of the nation. R. Public enterprise is meant to promote socialism through the upliftment of the poor. S. The existence of private enterprises allows freedom for public initiative. (A) PRSQ (B) RSPQ (C) PSRQ (D) SRPQ 20. P. It was the slave mode of production which provided the ultimate basis for the use of these civilization. Q. Slavery existed in all human societies but in Greco-Roman societies it evolved into an institutionalized system of large scale employment of slave labour. R. The rise and fall of the urban culture in Greece and Rome was closely related to the dominance and decline of the system of slavery. S. These societies were known as slave societies due to their large scale dependence on “Slave-Labour". (A) QRSP (B) RQSP (C) QPRS (D) RSPQ
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