38................ Key combination that lets you toggle between open windows 1) ALT+SHIFT+TAB 2) ALT+CTRL+TAB 3) ALT+CTRL 4) ALT+TAB 5) None of these 39.The secondary storage memory is also called as 1) Auxiliary Memory 2) Attractive Memory 3) Chip Memory 4) Read Only Memory 5) None of these 40......... is known as unauthorized access into others system 1) Hacking 2) Encryption 3) Decryption 4) Trafficking 5) None of these 41. VIRUS stands for 1) Vital Information Recourse Under Siege 2) Vital Information Reason Under Siege 3) Vital Information Recourse Under System 4) Virus Information Recourse Under Siege 5) None of these 42.Which of the following mode we use to deliver e-mail 1) Postal 2) Courier 3) Computer 4) Fax 5) None of these 43.A person needs to design invitation card. What type of computer program is suitable ? 1) MS-Word 2) Desktop Publishing 3) Simulation 4) Accounting 5) None of these IBPS question Papers 44.The term that we use to describe physical components of the system 1) Hardware 2) Input 3) Software 4) Output 5) None of these
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