9.Computer programs are written in a high - level programming language; however, the human readable version of a program is called ....... 1) cache 2) instruction set 3) source code 4) word size 5) None of these 10.The software tools that enable a user to interact with a computer for specific purposes are known as ....... 1) Hardware 2) Networked Software 3) Shareware 4) Applications 5) None of these 11............... processing is used when a large mail-order company accumulates orders and processes them together in one large set 1) Batch 2) Online 3) Real-time 4) Group 5) None of these 12.When a file contains instructions that can be carried out by the computer, it is often called a(n) ...... file 1) data 2) information 3) executable 4) application 5) None of these 13.A complier translates a program written in a high - level language into ........ 1) Machine language 2) An algorithm 3) A debugged program 4) Java 5) None of these 14.A set of step - by - step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a(n) ..... 1) algorithm 2) hardware program 3) software bug 4) firmware program 5) None of these 15.A complete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip is called a(n) ...... 1) Workstation 2) CPU 3) Magnetic disk 4) Integrated circuit 5) None of these IBPS question 16.A saved document is referred to as a ..... 1) file 2) word 3) folder 4) project 5) None of these 17.What is output ? 1) What the processor takes from the user 2) What the user gives to the processor 3) What the processor gets from the user 4) What the processor gives to the user 5) None of these
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