Obstetrical Nursing Practice Questions Answers Papers Download Free

Obstetrical Nursing Practice Questions
The Obstetrical Nursing Practice Questions Answers is helpful for the applicants in their preparation. Referring to the OB Nursing old exam paper/model paper helps the candidates in knowing how the question paper is going to be. However, here is an overview of question pattern. Download the Previous Year Question Paper Pdf given in the section below. This gives a clear idea of subjects you are preparing.

1. Discharge of milk from the mammary glands depends on
(a) Suckling
(b) contractile mechanism
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) none of the above

2. Metoclopramide (10mg, thrice daily ) increases milk volume (60-100%) by increasing the level
(a) Oxytocin
(b) Prolactin
(c) Oestrogen
(d) progesterone

3. All of the following appear to decrease hot flushes in menopausal women except
(a) Androgens
(b) Raloxifene
(c) isoflavones
(d) tibolone

4. Indications for removal of IUCD are all except
(a) flaring up of salpingitis
(b) missing threads
(c) patient wants pregnancy
(d) for spacing of birth

5. Pearl index is related with
(a) degree of contracted pelvis
(b) cervical scoring prior to induction
(c) assessment of high risk pregnancy
(d) contraceptive effectiveness

6. Pregnancy failure rate per HWY in male condom when used correctly and consistently
(a) 3
(b) 10
(c) 14
(d) 20

7. The direct obstetric cause of maternal death is
(a) hypotension
(b) abortion
(c) anaemia
(d) convulsion

8. Leading cause of maternal mortality in our country is
(a) Thromboembolism
(b) pre-eclampsia & eclampsia
(c) thrombophlebitis
(d) mastitis

9. Which one is the bio-active IUCD
(a) copperT
(b) levonorgestrel combining IUCD
(c) progestasert
(d) lippes loop

10. The most common cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality is
(a) Toxaemia
(b) Syphilis
(c) HIV
(d) Abruptio placenta

11. Neonatal death rate is expressed as the number of deaths per :
(a) 100 live births
(b) 10,000 live births
(c) 1,000 live births
(d) 1,000 births

12. This is the method of abortion most commonly used during the first trimester
(a) Vacuum aspiration
(b) Dilation and evacuation
(c) Dilation and curettage
(d) Hysterectomy

13. Which of the following methods has been definitively proven to alone increase pregnancy-related mortality detection
(a) Including a “pregnancy” check box on death certificates
(b) Extending the temporal definition from 42 days postpartum to one year postpartum
(c) Linking birth certificates to maternal death certificates
(d) Requiring hospital administrators to complete death certificates independent of physicians

14. The nurse has performed a nonstress test on a pregnant client and is reviewing the fetal monitor strip. The nurse interprets the test as reactive. How should the nurse document this finding?
(a) Normal
(b) Abnormal
(c) The need for further evaluation
(d) That findings were difficult to interpret

15. Regarding maternal mortality data collection which statement is the correct one :
(a) Clinical audit is considered easy to introduce into resource poor settings
(b) Near miss reviews are considered easy to introduce into resource poor settings
(c) Cost is the major determinant of which methodology is used for data collection
(d) All maternal deaths should be included regardless of methodology used

16. An increased risk for early pregnancy bleeding has been described in pregnancies occurring after IVF compared with spontaneous pregnancies:
(a) The increased risk of early pregnancy bleeding among IVF pregnancies which go to delivery is a parallel phenomenon to an increased risk for spontaneous abortions after IVF
(b) Early pregnancy bleeding is a sign of an increased risk for later pregnancy and delivery complications
(c) A major cause of early pregnancy bleeding is maternal use of drugs which threaten embryonic survival
(d) The observed increased risk for early pregnancy bleeding could be an artefact because women pregnant after IVF may be more prone to seek medical help for such a bleeding than other women

17. Research on the effects of abortion have found:
(a) severely negative psychological reactions in most women who have had abortions
(b) no long-term consequences for children whose mothers would have preferred to have an abortion.
(c) a common reaction of a feeling of helplessness in male “abortion veterans.”
(d) severe long-term physical problems, such as sterility, in most women who have had abortions.

18. The uterine tubes are paired structures, measuring about
(a) 8 cm
(b) 10 cm
(c) 12 cm
(d) 14 cm

19. The normal length of the uterine cavity is usually
(a) 6.5 - 7cm
(b) 7.5 - 8cm
(c) 8.5 - 9cm
(d) 9.5 - 10 cm

20. The term used to describe a systematic approach to maintain and improving the quality of patient care within a health system
(a) clinical obfuscane
(b) clinical governance
(c) clinical acumen
(d) clinical negligence

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nursing said...