Mental Health Nursing Old Question Papers Download Free Pdf

Mental Health Nursing Old Question
The Mental Health Nursing Old Question Paper is helpful for the applicants in their preparation. Referring to the old exam paper/model paper helps the candidates in knowing how the question paper is going to be. However, here is an overview of question pattern. Download the Previous Year Question Paper Pdf given in the section below. This gives a clear idea of subjects you are preparing.

Mental Health Nursing Prctice Papers

1. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is most appropriate for the disorder known as hypochondriasis?
(a) High risk for injury
(b) Anticipatory grieving
(c) Self-esteem disturbance
(d) Diversional activity deficit

2. Which of the following nursing interventions is appropriate for a client diagnosed with hypochondriasis?
(a) Teach the client adaptive coping strategies
(b) Help the client eliminate the stress in her life
(c) Confront the client with the statement, “it’s all in your head”
(d) Encourage the client to focus on identification of physical symptoms

3. Which of the following pharmacologic agents is a sedative-hypnotic medication used to induce sleep for clients experiencing a sleep disorder
(a) Triazolam (Halcion)
(b) Paroxetine (Paxil)
(c) Fluoxetine (Prozac)
(d) Risperidone (Risperdal)

4. Which of the following conditions characterizes rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep?
(a) Disorientation and disorganized thinking
(b) Jerky limb movements and position changes
(c) Pulse slowed by 5 to 10 beats/minute
(d) Highly active brain and physiological activity level

5. A client with sleep terror disorder might have autonomic signs of intense anxiety. Which of the following autonomic signs and symptoms should the nurse monitor?
(a) Tachycardia
(b) Pupil constriction
(c) Cool, clammy skin
(d) Decreased muscle tone

6. A client diagnosed with a sleep disorder awakens abruptly with a piercing scream. Which of the following disorders best explains the behavior?
(a) Hypersomnia
(b) Nightmare disorder
(c) Sleep terror disorder
(d) Sleepwalking

7. Which of the following substances is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland that induces sleep?
(a) Amphetamind
(b) Melatonin
(c) Methylphenidate
(d) Pemoline

8. Which of the following statements is correct about conversion disorders?
(a) The symptoms can be controlled
(b) The psychological conflict is repressed
(c) The client is aware of the psychological conflict
(d) The client shouldn’t be made aware of the conflicts underlying the symptoms

9. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is appropriate for a client with conversion disorder who has little energy to expend on activities or interactions with friends?
(a) Decisional conflict
(b) Hopelessness
(c) Impaired social interaction
(d) Ineffective family coping

10. Which of the following nursing interventions is the most appropriate for a client who had pseudoseizures and is diagnosed with conversion disorder?
(a) Explain that the pseudoseizures are imaginary
(b) Promote dependence so that unfilled dependency needs are met
(c) Encourage the client to discuss his feelings about the pseudoseizures
(d) Promote independence and withdraw attention from the pseudoseizures

11. Which of the following statements best defines malingering?
(a) It’s a preoccupation with pain in the absence of physical disease
(b) It’s a voluntary production of a physical symptom for a secondary gain
(c) It’s a morbid fear or belief that one has a serious disease where none exists
(d) It’s associated with a psychological need or conflict in which the client shows one or more neurologic symptoms

12. A client with a history of panic attacks who says, “I felt so trapped,” right after an attack most likely has which of the following fears?
(a) Loss of control
(b) Loss of identity
(c) Loss of memory
(d) Loss of maturity

13. Which of the following nursing interventions is given priority in a plan of care for a person having a panic disorder?
(a) Till the client to take deep breaths
(b) Have the client talk about the anxiety
(c) Encourage the client to verbalize feelings
(d) Ask the client about the cause of the attack

14. Which of the following questions should a nurse ask to determine how agoraphobia affects the life of a client who has panic attacks with agoraphobia?
(a) How realistic are your goals?
(b) Are you able to go shopping?
(c) Do you struggle with impulse control?
(d) Who else in your family has panic disorder?

15. Which of the following short-term client outcomes is appropriate for a client with panic disorder?
(a) Identity childhood trauma.
(b) Monitor nutritional intake
(c) Institute suicide precautions
(d) Decrease episodes of disorientation

16. Which of the following group therapy interventions would be of primary importance to a client with panic disorder?
(a) Explore how secondary gains are derived from the disorder
(b) Discuss new ways of thinking and feeling about panic attacks
(c) Work to eliminate manipulative behavior used for meeting needs
(d) Learn the risk factors and other demographics associated with panic disorder

17. Clients with a social phobia would most likely fear which of the following situations?
(a) Dental procedures
(b) Meeting strangers
(c) Being bitten by a dog
(d) Having a car accident

18. Which of the following factors would the nurse find most helpful in assessing a client for a bloodinjection-injury phobia?
(a) Episodes of fainting
(b) Gregarious personality
(c) Difficulty managing anger
(d) Dramatic, overreactive personality

19. Which of the following behavior modification techniques is useful in the treatment of phobias?
(a) Aversion therapy
(b) Imitation or modeling
(c) Positive reinforcement
(d) Systematic desensitization

20. A client suspected of having posttraumatic stress disorder should be assessed for which of the following problems?
(a) Eating disorder
(b) Schizophrenia
(c) Suicide
(d) “sundown” syndrome

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