ESIC Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers

ESIC Staff Nurse Previous Year Question

ESIC Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers with Answers is available here. Candidates who have applied for the Employee's State Insurance Corporation Staff Nurse Posts can check the Exam Old Model Paper given on our page. However, go through the article and find exam pattern and written test exam date details regarding the ESIC Staff Nurse Jobs.

Question and Answer for Staff Nurse Exam

1. Both sperm and unfertilized oocytes are transferred into the fallopian tube in the following procedure for correction of infertility.

2. The following is not a symptom of hypocalcemia:
(A) Constipation
(B) Tetany
(C) Tingling sensation
(D) Musclespasm

3. lntrovcrt and Extrovert are personality types described by which of the following psychologists?
(A) Freud
(B) Scheldon
(C) Kretschmer
(D) Jung

4. The following is a disorder of perception:
(A) Delusion
(B) Hallucination
(C) Amnesia
(D) Obscession

5. Absenre of affect is:
(A) Depression
(B) Euphoria
(C) Apathy
(D) Grief

6. Shick's test diagnose which disease?
(A) Weil's disease
(B) Diphtheria
(C) Pertussis
(D) Tuberculosis

7. Psycho social factors as a cause of mental illness includes which of the following?
(A) Decmase in serotonin
(B) Genetic defects
(C) War and violence
(D) Maternal deprivation

8. Kerning's sign is a diagnostic finding :
(A) Gastritis
(B) Appendicitis
(C) Endocarditis
(D) Meningitis

9. Enema should not be given before:
(A) Cholecystectomy
(B) Myomoctomy
(C) Appendicectomy
(D) Mastectomy

10. Study of tissues is?
(A) Histology
(B) Cytology
(C) Osteology
(D) Oncology

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