ESIC Staff Nurse Model Question Paper and Answer for Preparation

ESIC Staff Nurse Model Question Paper and Answer

ESIC is going to conduct the written test for the applicants as part of the selection process. Applicants who are eligible have to appear for the written test. ESIC Staff Nurse previous year question paper in Hindi pdf is available here. Applicants just need to click on the links and download the question paper for free. Hope Employees' State Insurance Corporation model question paper help you in your preparation.

ESIC Staff Nurse Exam Previous Year Question Paper

31. Which of the following is a neural tube defect?
(A) Meningitis
(B) Meningocoele
(C) Scoliosis
(D) Encephalitis

32. Management of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura is:
(A) Radiation therapy
(B) Bone marrow transplantation
(C) Steriod therapy
(D) Chelation therapy

33. The age of administration of measles vaccine is:
(A) 3 months
(B) 9 months
(C) 18 months
(D) 6 months

34. Typical type of play in a toddler is:
(A) Co-operative play
(B) Associative play
(C) Onlooker play
(D) Parallel play

35. Normal head circumference of a newborn is:
(A) 31-33 cm
(B) 33-35 cm
(C) 30-32 cm
(D) 35-37 cm

36. Which of the following is an activity of underfive clinics?
(A) Mid day meal programe
(B) Child education
(C) School health services
(D) Growth monitoring

37. “Flag sign" is a characteristic feature of which disease?
(A) Kwashiorkor
(B) Rickets
(C) Marasmus
(D) Poliomyelitis

38. The corrective surgery for Hirchsyprung’s Disease is:
(A) Kosai's procedure
(B) Duhamel procedure
(C) Pyloroplasty
(D) Pyeloplasty

39. Current Jelley stool is a manifestation of:
(A) Trachea oesophageal fistula
(B) Oesophageal atresia
(C) Anorectal malformation
(D) Intussusceptions

40. Which of the following is a cyanotic heart disease?
(A) Coaretation of Aorta
(B) Artial Septal Defects
(C) Tetralogy of Fallot
(D) Patent Ductus Arteriosus

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