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Question For Staff Nurse Recruitment
1. Normal serum potassium level:(A) 6.0 to 8.0 meq/litre
(B) 3.5 to 5.0 meq/liter
(C) 0.5 to 2.0 meq/litre
(D) 10 to 12 meq/liter
2. Normal intracranial pressure:
(A) 0 to 5 mmHg
(B) 40 to 50 mmHg
(C) 20 to 35 mmHg
(D) 0 to 15 mmHg
3. Dialation of renal pelvis is known as :
(A) Glomerulonephritia
(B) Pyelonephritis
(C) Hydronephrosis
(D) Nephritic syndrome
4. Largest cranial nerve is:
(A) Trigeminal nerve
(B) Olfactory nerve
(C) Glossopharyngeal nerve
(D) Hypoglossal nerve
5. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by:
(A) Thyroid gland
(B) Pineal gland
(C) Pituitary gland
(D) Adenoid gland
6. Route of administration of BCG vaccination is:
(A) Intra dermal
(B) Intra muscular
(C) Sub cutaneous
(D) Oral
7. Kaposi sarcoma is common in:
(A) Hepatitis
(B) Psoriasis
(C) Dermatitis
8. Geriatric Medicine is a specialty that focus on:
(A) Adolescent population
(B) Female population
(C) Elderly population
(D) Male population
9. ECG changes in cardiac ischemia is:
(A) ST segment depression
(B) Physiologic Q wave
(C) ST segment elevation
(D) Pathologic Q wave
10. The occupational disease caused by inhalation of cotton fibre dust over a long period of time
(A) Bagassosis
(B) Anthracosis
(C) Silicosis
(D) Byssinosis
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