Sample Question Papers SBI IT Specialist Recruitment Exam

1. An exception specification begins with keyword ………
(1) exception
(2) try
(3) throw
(4) catch
(5) call

2. The extra key inserted at the end of the array is called a …………..
(1) end key
(2) stop key
(3) sentinel
(4) transposition
(5) tab key

3. Before object oriented exception handling was practiced …………
(1) no run time error occurred
(2) programmers could not deal with run time errors
(3) the most popular error handling method was to terminate the program
(4) the most popular error handling method was to throw an exception
(5) Both (1) and (2)

4. At a single terminal CPU, if 40% of all users have no wait to use the terminal and the average wait time for all users is 50 minutes, then what is the average wait time for those who waits? (Round off figure)
(1) 80
(2) 90
(3) 100
(4) 110
(5) 10

5. Which function returns the name of the day of the week from a data expression?
(1) CDOW()
(2) CTOD()
(3) DOW()
(4) DTOC()
(5) None of these

6. The computer language LOGO is based on another powerful list processing language for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is called ………..
(1) GSPP
(2) LISP

7. A network which is used for sharing data, software and hardware among several user owning microcomputers is called ….
(1) WAN
(2) MAN
(3) LAN
(4) VAN
(5) UAN

8. A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU for I/O operations is a ………
(1) channel
(2) buffer
(3) register
(4) core
(5) primary memory

9. In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called ………..
(1) Relations
(2) Domains
(3) Queries
(4) Key
(5) None of the above

10. The device that converts computer output for transmission over telephone lines is called ………….
(1) interface
(2) interpreter
(3) modem
(4) I/O post
(5) None of these