Banking Knowledge for IBPS - The candidates can download the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Banking Knowledge Exam Sample Papers along with the Answers. The IBPS Banking Knowledge Previous Papers will help the aspirants to crack the exam easily. Also, Visit the official website of the IBPS for the Last 5 Years Papers. Refer the IBPS Banking Knowledge Sample Questions and Answers to get an idea of the difficulty level of exam. Download the below enclosed attachments of Previous year question papers for free of cost. People can also get Previous Year Question Papers for all competitive exams.
Banking Awareness Questions for IBPS
1. NRE deposit is …….(1) Non Resident External deposit
(2) Non Resident Extra deposit
(3) Non Resident Exchange deposit
(4) Non Refundable External deposit
(5) Non Resident Extended deposit
2. What is offshore banking?
(1) It is a bank located in the sea
(2) It is a bank located in SEZ
(3) It is a bank located in a neighbouring country
(4) It a bank located outside the country of resident of the depositor
(5) Offshore banking is basically dealing in foreign exchange
3. Interest on saving bank account is now calculated by banks on
(1) minimum balance during the month
(2) minimum balance from 7th to the last day of the month
(3) minimum balance from 10th to the last of the month
(4) maximum balance during the month
(5) daily product basis
4. A centralized database with online connectivity to branches, internet as well as ATM network which has been adopted by almost all major banks of our country is known as ………..
(1) investment banking
(2) core banking
(3) mobile banking
(4) national banking
(5) specialized banking
5. Which of the following is not considered a money market instrument?
(1) Treasury bills
(2) Repurchase agreement
(3) Commercial paper
(4) Certificate of deposit
(5) Share and bonds
6. Which of the following is known as Plastic money?
A. Demand draft
B. Credit card
C. Debit card
(1) Only A
(2) Only B
(3) Only C
(4) Both (B) and (C)
(5) All A, B and C
7. Which of the following term is used in the field of finance and banking?
(1) Gauge Pressure
(2) Quantum number
(3) Adjustment Credit
(4) Absolute zero
(5) Single bond
8. IFRS stands for …………….
(1) International Financial Reporting Standard
(2) Indian Financial Rating Standard
(3) International Financial Rating Standard
(4) Indian Functional Reporting Standard
(5) None of these
9. Bridge Loans refer to …………….
(1) Loans granted to construction companies for construction of bridge
(2) Loan granted to PWD for construction of bridge over rivers
(3) Interim financial allowed by banks to their customers pending disbursement of term loans by financial institution
(4) Loan granted to Railway for construction of bridges
(5) None of these
10. The RBI has asked banks to spell out their policy, procedure and size of business on which of the following aspects of banking?
(1) On shore banking
(2) Off shore banking
(3) Investments in secondary market
(4) Wealth management
(5) None of these