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Don’t waste your time in searching for PO Solved Question Papers here & there. Because here we already did that thing for you and provided the Best Materials for SBI PO Exam. Just click on the relevant link to get the SBI PO Previous Year Question Papers. Everything is possible with perfect preparation and practice. So, applicants can begin the preparation for State Bank of India.
We are here to help seriously intended candidates of Probationary Officer Jobs. Therefore providing the SBI Probationary Officer Previous Year Question Paper for free of cost.
Previous Question of SBI Bank PO Data Interpretation
Direction (1 – 5): Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow.
Number of players participating in three different games in five different schools

(1) 324
(2) 288
(3) 342
(4) 284
(5) 248
2. What is the respective ratio between number of players participating in basketball from school -1 and the number of players participating in Kho-Kho from school -3?
(1) 5:7
(2) 7:9
(3) 7:8
(4) 9:7
(5) 5:8
3. In which school is the number of players participating in hockey and basketball together second highest?
(1) School -1
(2) School - 2
(3) School - 3
(4) School - 4
(5) School - 5
4. Number of players participating in Kho-Kho from school – 4 is what percent of number of players participating in hockey from school -2?
(1) 42
(2) 48
(3) 36
(4) 40
(5) 60
5. 25% of the number of players participating in hockey from School – 5 are females. What is the number of the hockey players who are males in school – 5?
(1) 15
(2) 18
(3) 30
(4) 21
(5) 27
Direction (6 – 10): Study the following bar-graph carefully and answer the following questions.
Earning (in rupees) of three different persons on four different days.

(1) Rs 285
(2) Rs 290
(3) Rs 320
(4) Rs 310
(5) Rs 315
7. What is the total amount earned by Rahul and Naveen together on Tuesday and Thursday together?
(1) Rs 1040
(2) Rs 1020
(3) Rs 980
(4) Rs 940
(5) Rs 860
8. Gita donate her earning of Wednesday to Naveen. What was Naveen’s total earning on Wednesday after Gita’s donation?
(1) Rs 520
(2) Rs 550
(3) Rs 540
(4) Rs 560
(5) Rs 620
9. What is the difference between Rahul’s earning on Monday and Gita’s earning on Tuesday?
(1) Rs 40
(2) Rs 20
(3) Rs 50
(4) Rs 30
(5) Rs 10
10. What is the respective ratio between Naveen’s earning on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday?
(1) 7:3:5
(2) 8:6:5
(3) 8:7:4
(4) 9:5:4
(5) 9:3:4