Direction (1 – 5): In each of the following questions an idioms has been given followed by four alternatives, one of which is its correct answer. Find the correct alternatives in each case and mark your answer on the answer sheet as instructed. National Insurance Company Limited previous year question paper 1. To be an one’s wits’ end (1) to be unhappy (2) to be sorely perplexed (3) to forget everything (4) to go mad 2. To be o the horns of dilemma (1) to be in a fix (2) to be jinxed (3) to be confused (4) to be utterly sore 3. To be under a cloud (1) to be in the dark (2) to be hidden (3) to be suspicious (4) to be disagree 4. To beat a retreat (1) to fight the enemy (2) to take rest (3) to withdraw (4) to hide from the enemy
Practice Exercise - 331 [ English ]
National Insurance Company Limited previous year question paper
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