6. In a certain year, the population of a certain town was 9000. If in the next year the population of males increased by 5% and that of the females by 8% and the total population of males and females in that given year? (1) 4:5 (2) 5:4 (3) 2:3 (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these NABARD Question 7. The total monthly income of four men and two women is R. 46000. If every woman earn Rs 500 more than a man then what is the monthly income of a woman? (1) Rs 7500 (2) Rs 8000 (3) Rs 9000 (4) Rs 6500 (5) None of these 8. A rectangular plate is of 6m breadth and 12m length. Two apertures of 2m diameter each and one aperture of 1m diameter have been made with the help of a gas cutter. What is the area of the remaining portion of the plate? (1) 62.5 sq.m (2) 68.5 sq.m (3) 64.5 sq.m (4) 60.5 sq.m
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