1. A binary tree contains the value 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The tree is traversed in pre order and the values are printed out. Which of the following sequence is a valid output (1) 53124786 (2) 53126487 (3) 53241678 (4) 53124768 model paper for ibps it officer 2. In a big programs subroutine are used ………. (1) for ease of program testing at the program development time (2) not to reduce program extension time (3) not to reduce storage equipment ease (4) not to increase the programming ease 3. In what tree, for every node that the height of its left sub-tree and right sub-tree differ at least by one? (1) Binary search tree (2) AVL tree (3) Complete tree (4) Threaded binary tree 4. Memory refreshing may be done …………. (1) by the CPU that contains a special regress counter only (2) to perform address translation to reduce execution time overhead (3) both (1) and (2) (4) None of these
Practice Exercise - 342 [ IT Questions ]

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