Direction (1 – 10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is (5).(Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any) ibps office assistant question 1. People who play (1) / their radios too (2) / loud have no (3) / considerations for others. (4) No error (5) Answer : 5 2. The novel has neither (1) / an interesting (2) / plot, nor any (3) / interesting character. (4) / No error (5) Answer : 5 3. If you were given a (1) / chance to live in (2) / some other country, which (3) / one would you have chosen? (4) / No error (5) Answer : 5 4. Having lived to (1) / Paris for two (2) years, Prakash understand (3) / French reasonably well. (4) / No error (5) Answer : 1 5. Reema decide not to (1) / watch the movies because (2) / she had to study for the (3) / quiz to be hold the next day. (4) / No error (5) Answer : 4 6. Athletes do various (1) / kinds of warm (2) / up activities before (3) / they start to running. (4) / No error (5) Answer : 4 7. Ramesh will lives (1) / with Ram until he (2) / finds a separate (3) / house for himself. (4) / No error Answer : 1 8. Cows, goats and (1) / other domestic (2) / animals together is (3) called livestock. (4) / No error

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