1. Consumer day is celebrated on ___________ (1) 15th March (2) 16th March (3) 20th April (4) 20th March (5) None of these marketing aptitude questions for bank exams 2. Which of the following is long terms objective? (1) Planning of long term production (2) Planning of Plant capacity (3) Manpower planning (4) Helpful in Budgetary control (5) All the above 3. The demand curve facing the pure monopolist is called ______ (1) positively sloped (2) negatively sloped (3) horizontal (4) All of these (5) None of these 4. A situation whereby market is expanded by developing new products to satisfy new consumer need is called ______ (1) market development (2) diversification (3) both (1) and (2) (4) neither (1) nor (2) (5) none of these 5. The level of commitment that consumers feel towards a given brand is called _______ (1) Brand equity (2) Brand name (3) Brand loyalty (4) Brand utility (5) None of these
Practice Exercise - 296 [ Marketing Aptitude ]
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