1. A string _______ (1) can be initialized with another string constant (2) cannot be initialized with character and the sequence of characters that constitute a string object does not include a terminating O’ character. (3) Can be initialized with another string (4) All the above (5) None of these it aptitude questions and answers 2. Teleprinters _________ (1) are used for printing at remote location, not for input (2) offer both high speed operation and a variety of information (3) have a printer for output and a keyboard for input (4) are same as teletypes 3. Which of the following might be used by a company to satisfy its growing communication needs? (1) Front end processor (2) Multiplexer (3) Controller (4) Concentrator (5) All the above 4. Which of the following methods provides dedicated communication channel between two stations? (1) Switch network (2) Circuit network (3) Packet network (4) None of these 5. A deterministic finite automate is __________ (1) A type of operating system (2) A simplest language recognition devices (3) Computer algorithm and programs (4) All the above (5) None of these
Practice Exercise - 298 [ IT ]

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