A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement. Input: 48 245 182 26 99 542 378 297 Step I: 542 48 245 182 26 99 378 297 Step II: 542 26 48 245 182 99 378 297 Step III: 542 26 378 48 245 182 99 297 Step IV: 542 26 378 48 297 245 182 99 Step V: 542 26 378 48 297 99 245 182 This is the final arrangement and step V is the last step for this input. 1. What will be the forth step for an input whose second step is given below? Step II : 765 42 183 289 542 65 110 350 ibps rrb exam solved papers (1) 765 42 542 350 183 289 65 110 (2) 765 42 542 65 110 183 289 350 (3) 765 42 542 65 183 289 110 350 (4) Can’t be determined (5) None of these 2. What should be the third step of the following input? Input : 239 123 58 361 495 37 (1) 495 37 361 123 239 58 (2) 495 37 58 361 123 239 (3) 495 37 58 123 361 239 (4) 495 37 361 239 123 58 (5) None of these 3. How many step will be required to get the final output from the following input? Input : 39 88 162 450 386 72 29 (1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) Six (5) None of these 4. What should be the last step of the following input? Input : 158 279 348 28 326 236 (1) 348 28 326 158 279 236
Practice Exercise - 295 [ Reasoning ]
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