1. EPROM consists of _______ (1) dipolar transistor (2) MOSFETs (3) UJTs (4) Diodes bank it officer questions with answers 2. The domain D of the relation R is defined as the ____________ (1) Set of all elements of ordered pair which belongs to R (2) Set of all last elements of ordered pair which belong to R (3) Set of all first elements of ordered pair which belong to R (4) All the above (5) None of these 3. The address of first element of array is called (1) First address (2) Base address (3) Initial address (4) Location address (5) None of these 4. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for remote terminal connection service? (1) TELNET (2) FTP (3) RARP (4) UDP (5) None of these
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