The Bhagavad Gita is a poem of 700 verse which is a part of the Mahabharat. It is the only sbi clerks model papers philosophical song existing in all languages. Its popularity and influence have never wanted. It (6) light the guidance to the trouble mind in time of crisis. It is in the (7) of a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna on the battlefield. Arjuns’s mind is troubled at the horror of the killing of his friends and relatives. He can not conceive of any gain. Arjuna is the (8) of the true spirit of man by conflicting obligation and moralities. The dialogue processed and takes us to the higher level of individual duty and social behavior, application of ethics to practical life and social outlook that should govern all. An attempt is (9) to reconcile the three paths of human advancement the path of faith. But more (10) is laid on faith. There is a call of action to meet the obligation of life keeping in view the spiritual background and the large purpose of the universe.
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