Q11. If then expenditure on production of sugar and wheat in 2002 was equal, what was the respective ratio data interpretation and data sufficiency of income through sales of these products? (1) 6:5 (2) 7:8 (3) 7:6 (4) 2:1 (5) None of these Q12. The ratio of the amount of profit earned through sale of sugar in 2000 to that in 2001 was 7:6. What was the respective ratio of the expenditure? (1) 2:3 (2) 3:4 (3) 4:3 (4) Can’t be determined (5) None of these Q13. Income through sales of wheat in 2004 was Rs 16.8 lakh. What was the expenditure on production? (1) Rs 12.6 lakhs (2) Rs 13.8 lakhs (3) Rs 14.2 lakhs (4) Rs 13.6 lakhs (5) None of these
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