Advanced Data Interpretation Questions

Q1. In which of the following years was the percentage increase in population of state A from advanced data interpretation questions the preceding year the maximum? 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Q2. What was the average population of state C for all the given years (in million)? 505/6 602/3 553/5 62 3/5 none of these Q3. What is the ratio of the average population of three states in 1994 to that in 1998? 1:2 2:3 12:23 13:25 None of these Q4. What was the ratio of average population of state B for 1996, 1998 and 1998 to that of state C for these three years? 5:7 25:28 7:9 15:19 None of these
Practice Exercise - 271 [ Data Interpretation]
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