Q8. MICR device can read: (1) Letters (2) Numbers (3) Both the above (4) Special character (5) ibps it officer previous year question paper None of these Q9. An indication you need to upgrade your network from peer-to-peer to client/server would be: (1) Your office wants to share a printer (2) Your office wants to share a fax machine (3) You need to store large databases and software in a central location (4) You have to upgrade to the latest version of Windows (5) None of these Q10. Which of the following accounting issues may cause problems while implementing accounting software in Banks? (1) Adequate controls to ensure the integrity of accounting data (2) Altering the accounting procedures whenever software is altered (3) Ignoring policies and procedure by employees (4) All the above (5) None of these
Practice Exercise - 264 [ IT Questions ]

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