Q1. Approximately what is the percentage of profit/loss that companies C and D had together? data interpretation online test 1) 10% profit 2) 12% profit 3) 10% loss 4) 12% loss 5) No profit no loss Q2. If the income of company A increased by 10% in year 2000 from year 1999 and profit earned in 1999 was 20% what was its expenditure in 1999? 1) 36.36 2) 32.32 3) 30.30 4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these Q3. If the expenditure of company G in 2000 was 20% more than its expenditure in the year 1999 and the company earned a profit of 10% in 1999, what was the company’s income in 1999? 1) 37.5 2) 41.25 3) 34.09 4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these
Practice Exercise - 236 [ Data Interpretation ]

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