Q2. csg can be recognized by (a) push down automate (b) 2-way linear bounded automata (c) bank it officer interview questions finite state automata (d) none of these Q3. The model for a record management system might be (a) hand written list (b) a rolodex card file (c) a business form (d) all the above Q4. Protection _________ (a) refers to mechanism for controlling the access of programs (b) controlling access of process (c) controlling the resources by a computer system (d) all the above Q5. Terminal emulation allows _________ (a) a dump terminal to pretend that it is a personal computer (b) a personal computer to pretend that it is computer terminal (c) a dump terminal to produce a local echo (d) both (a) and (c) Q6. Choose the correct alternative (a) Step wise refinement uses top-down methodology (b) Step wise refinement uses bottom up methodology (c) Use of library routines facilities bottom up methodology (d) Use of library routines facilities top-down methodology
Practice Exercise - 233 [ IT Questions ]
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