The software that allows users to surf the Internet is called a/an ……………… (A) Search Engine (B) Internet Service Provider (ISP) (C) Multimedia Application (D) Browser 2. The issues that deal with the collection and use of ibps computer awareness paper data about individuals is ……………… (A) access (B) publicity (C) accuracy (D) privacy 3. A term related to sending data to a satellite is ……………… (A) downlink (B) modulate (C) demodulate (D) uplink 4. Online documents containing underlined phrases or icons that a user can click in order to move immediately to related parts of the current document or to other documents with related information is called ……………… (A) hypermedia (B) hypertext (C) HTML (D) URL
Practice Exercise - 214 [ Computer Awareness ]
ibps computer awareness paper
ibps computer knowledge questions with answers
ibps computer knowledge question papers
ibps computer knowledge questions
Computer knowledge for ibps
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