Q1. What was the strength of Unit B in 1998? 1) 142 2) 125 3) 159 4) 2007 5) None of these Q2. In 1999 the strength of workers was maximum in which unit? 1) E 2) D 3) C 4) B 5) A Q3. The strength of data interpretation question bank workers in unit C in 1996 is approximately what percent of the strength in unit E in 1997? 1) 97 2) 110 3) 104 4) 98 5) 112 Q4. What was the total strength of workers in all the five units in 1996? 1) 647 2) 570 3) 590 4) 697 5) None of these Q5. What was the approximate increase/decrease in the strength of the workers in unit D in 1998 with respect to its initials strength? 1) 47.37% increase 2) 64.46% decrease 3) 64.47% increase 4) 47.37% decrease 5) 59.38% increase
Practice Exercise - 196 [ Data Interpretation ]

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