Q1. Founded in Paris in 1039, the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) are bringing together institutions dedicates for rescuing films, both as cultural heritage and historical documentation.
A. are bringing together institutions dedicates for rescuing films, both as cultural heritage and historical documentation
B. bringins together institutions dedicates to rescuing films, both as cultural heritage and historical documentation
C. brings together institutions of dedicates rescuing films, both as cultural heritage and historical documentation
D. is bringing together institutions dedicates for rescuing films, both as cultural heritage and historical documentation
Answer : B
Q2. The transfer of copies of radio and television programmes from the national broadcasting organization to the national archive, being more or less constant, has now become the object of policy and technical discussion.
A. which used to be more or less constant, has now become the object of policy and technical discussion.
B. which is being more or less constant, has not become the object of policy and technical discussion.
C. which used to be more or less constant, now becomes the object of policy and technical discussion.
D. having been more or less constant, has now become the object of policy and technical diccussion.
Answer : A
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