A + B means A is the father of B, A - B means A is the wife of B; A x B means A is the brother of B; A ÷ B means Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below If road E is between roads B and C, then distance between road A and Road D If road K is parallel to road I and road K LIC ADO Question Papers is 1/2 km South of road J and l km North of road G. which two roads would be In the following figure, the circle stands for insurance agents, the square stands for hardworking. the triangle stands for rural and the rectangle stands for graduates. Study the figure carefully and answer the questions that follow Non-graduates insurance agents who are not hard working and who do not belong to rural areas are represented A means ‘greater than': B means equal to`; C means ‘not less than`: D means ‘1ess than'; E means ‘not equal to`: and F means ‘not greater than.
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