One day, when the king was sitting in his garden and enjoying breakfast, a small portion of the sweet fell sbi sample papers on the ground. Soon he heard an ant shouting, "My God, what a big wagonful of sweet has fallen; and there is none to consume it. Ah ! I can enjoy all. now." Hearing this, the king smiled and chuckled. The queen, who was sitting next to him, was curious to note the changing countenance of the king. She asked him to tell her the reason for the smile. But the king kept silent; as the divulgence of the secret would cost him his life. The queen felt offended and thought that there was something which the king did not want to tell in public. At night, when the king was relaxing in the verandah, the queen repeated the same question and demanded the answer. The king then told her that the divulgence of that secret would cost him his life. Nonetheless, the queen persisted by throwing tantrums. Still when the king kept his silence, she attacked his self-respect by calling him a ‘liar‘ and

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