Which the minimum and maximum repayment period under SJSRY scheme after socio economic & banking awareness questions initial Tax will be deducted at source on interest on term deposits At present, Tax is deducted at source from brokerage or commission other than insurance commission, if the amount credited or paid or likely to be credited or paid only if the interest paid or payable, credited moratorium of 25% of the project cost subject to a maximum SJSRY, where UWSP group sets itself up as a Self-Help Group (SHG) / Thrift & Credit Society (T&CS), mobilizing savings and credit in addition to its other entrepreneurial of Rs 50,000 per member with a maximum the f the following is correct regarding subsidy to individuals under SGSY following is correct regarding subsidy to individuals under SJSRY
Practice Exercise - 112 [ Socio Economic & Banking Awareness Questions ]

socio economic & banking awareness questions
socio economic banking awareness
socio economic and banking awareness 2012
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