The Association has been elected as the President of Confederation of Indian current general knowledge Industry After Pratibha Patil and Prabha Rau, Margaret Alva is the Murray Rose of Australia passed away on April 15, 2012. He was a six- among Defense Ministry cleared a Rs.3,000 crore deal to buy 145 M777 ultra light howitzer the following Indian Cardiologists was elected as President Oscar winning actor Sean Penn received the 2012 Peace Summit Award in April 2012 won the Asian continental chess championship in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam on of the World Heart Federation (WHF), a global NGO dedicated to prevention of heart diseases time been appointed as Chairperson of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial Olympic medalist third woman Governor of which (CII) for the of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a geo-political and economic organization of ten
Practice Exercise - 116 [ General Awareness ]

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