11. Statement: The police department has come under a cloud with recent revelations that at least two senior officers are suspected to have been involved in the illegal sale of a large quantity of weapons from the state police armoury. Courses of action: bank po reasoning papers I. A thorough investigation should be ordered by the state government to bring out all those who are involved into the illegal sale of arms. II. State police armoury should be kept under central governments control. 12. Statement: India's performance in the world cup cricket tournament was very poor. Courses of action: I. India should stop sending their team to the future world cup. ll. Government should immediately set up an enquiry commission to find out the reason for India’s low performance. 13. Statement: Most of the children in India are not be able to get education, because they get employed to earn livelihood in their childhood only. Courses of action: I. Education should be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14. II. Employment of children below the age of 14 years should be banned. Directions (Qns. 14-15): Given below are pairs of events ‘P' and ‘Q'. You have to read both the events ‘P' and ‘Q' and decide their nature of relationship. You have to assume that the information given in ‘P' and ‘Q' are true and you will not assume anything beyond the given information in deciding the answer.
Practice Exercise - 63 [ Bank Exam Reasoning]
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