Give answer 1) if only conclusion I follows. Give answer 2) if only conclusion II follows. Give answer3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Give answer 4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows Give answer 5) if both conclusions I and II follow. Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Critical Reasoning, Verba and Non Verbal Reasoning 21. Statements: Some black are blue. No blue are white. Some white which are black are grey. Conclusions: I. Some grey are blue. II. Some white are not black. 22. Statements: Some actors are dancers. All dancers are musicians. No musicians are painters. Conclusions: I. Some painters are actors. II. No painters are dancers. 23. Statements: All villages are cities. All cities are countries. All countries are towns. Conclusions: I. All towns are villages. II. Some cities are not towns. 24. Statements: Some books are poetry. All poetry is philosophy. Some philosophy is psychology. Conclusions: I. Some books are philosophy. II. Some psychology is not philosophy. 25. Statements: All children are students. Some students are adults. All adults are workers. Conclusions: I. Some students are workers. II. All children are adults. Directions (Q. 26-30): The following questions are based on the five three-digit numbers given below : 374 659 821 945 247 26. In each number, 2 is added to the middle digit and then the first 2 digits are interchanged. Which number will be the largest? 1) 659 2) 945 3) 374 4) 247 5) 821 27. If 1 is subtracted from the last digit of each of the numbers, how many numbers thus formed will be divisible by two? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) Four 28. If in each number, the first and the second digits are interchanged, which of the following will be the third lowest number? 1) 374 2) 659 3) 821 4) 945 5) 247
Practice Exercise - 38 [ Reasoning ]

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