Q11. During the year 1994-95 which two products together constituted around 70 percent of the total export in that year? Mewar Aanchalik Gramin Bank 1) Wheat, Basmati rice 2) Other cereals, Basmati rice 3) Basmati rice, Non-basmati rice 4) Groundnut, Basmati rice 5) None of these Q12. During the period 1993-94 what was the approximate average export of given products in crores ? 1) 30000 2) 25687 3) 14748 4) 27878 5) None of these Q13. In case of which of the following products the percentage export against the total export of the year has shown continuous increase over three-year period? 1) Wheat 2) Basmati rice 3) Non-basmati rice 4) Can’t say 5) None of these Q14. In case of which of the following food products the exports in the earlier year and the consecutive next year are exactly in the ratio 1:4? 1) Wheat 2) Basmati rice 3) Non-basmati rice 4) Can’t say 5) None of these Q15. Export of which of the following products was more than 50 percent of its export for two consecutive years? 1) Wheat 2) Non-Basmati rice 3) Basmati rice 4) Can’t say 5) None of these
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