10.Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest 1) character, file, record, field, database 2) character, record, field, database, file 3) character, field, record, file, database 4) Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database 5) None of these 11.The internet is .......... 1) a large network of networks 2) an internal communication system for a business 3) a communications system for the Indian government 4) All of these 5) None of these 12.Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning file names ? 1) Files may share the same name or the same extension but not both 2) Every file in the same folder must have a unique, name 3) File extension is another name for file type 4) The file extension comes before the dot (.) followed by the file name 5) None of these 13.Which of the following would most likely NOT be a symptom of a virus ? 1) Existing program files and icons disappear 2) The CD-ROM stops functioning 3) The Web browser opens to an unusual home page 4) Odd messages or images are displayed on the screen 5) None of these 14.What is a back up ? 1) Restoring the information backup 2) An exact copy of a system's information 3) The ability to get a system u and running in the event of a system crash or failure 4) All of these 5) None of these ibps previous question papers free download 15. ............ are lists of commands that appear on the screen 1) GUIs 2) Icons 3) Menus 4) Windows 5) None of these 16.What is the correct association between a hardware component and a computer function? 1) Monitor > input 2) Mouse > input 3) CPU > storage 4) Hard disk > processing 5) None of these 17.What is the function of Drop Cap ? 1) It does not allow capital letters to be used in the documents 2) It makes first letter of each word capital letter in the documents 3) It lets you begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter 4) In automatically starts all paragraphs and sentences with capital letters 5) None of these
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